Resource allocation in a multi-color DS-OCDMA VLC cellular architecture.

In this paper we present two resource allocation techniques in the visible light communication network with overlapping coverage areas for the access points. Specifically, the first approach exploits the maximization criterion level, and then aim to maximize the network level under the constraint on the minimum and maximum levels, while other procedures focused on achieving justice at the level of each user accessing the network.

The proposed system relays the optical code division multiple access mechanisms, and resource allocation is meant in terms of the code assigned to a particular user. The simulation results were discussed in terms of data rates achievable, the outage probability and percentage of users who access

cellular and molecular analysis of dendritic morphogenesis in retinal cell types contrasting senses of color and motion ventral.

As the dendrites of neurons develop, they acquire certain features of cell-type characteristics including size, shape, arborization, location and synaptic pattern. These features, in turn, is a major determinant of a certain type of nerve function.

Because of the diversity complicates the task related neuronal development programs mature structure and function, we analyzed the dendritic morphogenesis in one type of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) in mice, called J-RGC. We documented the emergence of five features underlying dendritic J-RGC physiology: (1) dendritic field size, the approximate size of the receptive field; (2) dendritic complexity, which affects how the J-RGCs sample chamber; (3) asymmetry, which contributes to the direction-selectivity; (4) limited the laminate in the inner plexiform layer (IPL), which makes the J-RGCs responsive to light decrements; and (5) the distribution of synaptic input, which produces a color-opponent receptive field.

Resource allocation in a multi-color DS-OCDMA VLC cellular architecture.
Resource allocation in a multi-color DS-OCDMA VLC cellular architecture.

We found the dendritic growth in J-RGCs accompanied by improvements in the dendritic self-intersection. Asymmetry appears with a combination of selective pruning and elaboration, while the results of a laminar restriction bias results toward the outer IPL. Interestingly, asymmetry develops in dorsoventral wave protracted, while laminates do so in a centrifugal fast waves. As an adult arbors, they acquire excitatory and inhibitory synapses, with the latter forming the first and concentrated on the proximal dendrites.

Thus, different mechanisms operating in different spatiotemporal dimensions of the J-RGC dendritic pattern to produce substrates for specific patterns synaptogenesis. Finally, we asked whether defining the molecular signatures J-RGCs, adhesion molecule JAM-B, regulate morphogenesis, and show that it promotes the interaction of Dendro-dendritic.

Our results suggest several mechanisms that form a dendritic arbor.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Visual perception begins in the retina, where the different types of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) tuned to a particular visual features such as the direction of movement. Features that each RGC type of response is determined primarily by the amount and type of synaptic input it receives, and this, in turn, is strongly influenced by the size, shape, pattern arborization, and the location of its dendrites.

AIHS 620 Immunohistochemistry Stainer

AIHS620 IHC World - 38000 EUR

Tn, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1018-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

Tg, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1021-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

Tg, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4009-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

K Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4020-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

EMA, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1001-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

hCG, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1005-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

ESA, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1014-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

p53, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1015-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

STn, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1019-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

TSH, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1020-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

CTP, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4004-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

CEA, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4005-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

PSA, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4010-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

MBP, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4015-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

AFP, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4017-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

AαSM, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1004-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

Brdu, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1006-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

PCNA, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1016-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

MUC2, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4013-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

S100, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4014-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

GFAP, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4016-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

A1AT, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4019-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR


GWB-Q00435 GenWay Biotech 50 TESTS Ask for price

CK 19, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1002-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

CK 18, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1009-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

HBcAg, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4006-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

HiPer® Immunohistochemistry Teaching Kit

HTI023-5PR EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 144.14 EUR
Description: HiPer® Immunohistochemistry Teaching Kit

CK AE1, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1010-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

CK AE3, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1011-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

S 100, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1017-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

Lambda, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4021-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Desmin, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4023-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Insulin Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4012-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

CK 8+18, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1007-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

CK 10+13, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1008-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

PR Immunohistochemistry control tissue array

PM2-PR TissueArray each 78 EUR
Description: PR Immunohistochemistry control tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade of breast cancer, 11 cases/11 cores

Ferritin, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4001-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Vimentin, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4002-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Lysozyme, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4018-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Calcitonin, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4007-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Ubiquintin, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4011-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

CK cocktail. Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1012-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 191.1 EUR

Transferrin, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4022-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Synaptophysin, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4008-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Sialosyl Le (a), Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1003-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 120.05 EUR

Normal Rabbit Control Serum (for immunohistochemistry)


Myeloperoxidase (MPO), Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4025-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

RP-4024-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 79.65 EUR

Cytokeratin AE1 and AE3, Prediluted for Immunohistochemistry

MM-1022-04 ImmunoBioscience 7.0 ml 136.15 EUR

Breast cancer with ER Immunohistochemistry control tissue array

PM2a-ER TissueArray each 78 EUR
Description: Breast cancer with ER Immunohistochemistry control tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM, clinical stage and IHC results of ER/PR/Her-2/Ki67, 10 cases/10 cores, replacing PM2-ER

OOMB00003-10ML - Blocking Buffer for Immunocytochemistry and Immunohistochemistry

OOMB00003-10ML Aviva Systems Biology 10mL 79 EUR

OOMB00006-100ML - 10X Antigen Retrieval Solution pH 6.0 for Immunohistochemistry

OOMB00006-100ML Aviva Systems Biology 100mL 79 EUR

OOMB00007-100ML - 10X Antigen Retrieval Solution pH 9.0 for Immunohistochemistry

OOMB00007-100ML Aviva Systems Biology 100mL 79 EUR

OOMB00004-10ML - Permeabilization Buffer for Immunocytochemistry and Immunohistochemistry

OOMB00004-10ML Aviva Systems Biology 10mL 79 EUR

Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, phosphorylated (Tyr1173) (erbB, EGFR), Immunohistochemistry Controls

MBS652639-5Slides MyBiosource 5Slides 460 EUR

Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, phosphorylated (Tyr1173) (erbB, EGFR), Immunohistochemistry Controls

MBS652639-5x5Slides MyBiosource 5x5Slides 1920 EUR

MAP Kinase p44/42, phosphorylated (Thr202, Tyr204), Immunohistochemistry Controls (MAPK3/MAPK1, Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase 1, MAP Kinase 1, MAPK 1, ERT1, Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase 2, ERK-2, MAP Kinase Isoform p42, p42-MAPK, Mitogen-activ

MBS652636-5Slides MyBiosource 5Slides 455 EUR

MAP Kinase p44/42, phosphorylated (Thr202, Tyr204), Immunohistochemistry Controls (MAPK3/MAPK1, Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase 1, MAP Kinase 1, MAPK 1, ERT1, Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase 2, ERK-2, MAP Kinase Isoform p42, p42-MAPK, Mitogen-activ

MBS652636-5x5Slides MyBiosource 5x5Slides 1900 EUR

Super Plus High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH9.0)

MBS2567656-10mL MyBiosource 10mL 310 EUR

Super Plus High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH9.0)

MBS2567656-3mL MyBiosource 3mL 185 EUR

Super Plus High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH9.0)

MBS2567656-5x10mL MyBiosource 5x10mL 1370 EUR

Super Plus High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH6.0)

MBS2567657-10mL MyBiosource 10mL 310 EUR

Super Plus High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH6.0)

MBS2567657-3mL MyBiosource 3mL 185 EUR

Super Plus High Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH6.0)

MBS2567657-5x10mL MyBiosource 5x10mL 1370 EUR

Super PlusTMHigh Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH9.0)

E-IR-R220-10mL Elabscience Biotech 10mL 325 EUR

Super PlusTMHigh Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH9.0)

E-IR-R220-3mL Elabscience Biotech 3mL 125 EUR

Super PlusTMHigh Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH9.0)

E-IR-R220-each Elabscience Biotech each Ask for price

Super PlusTMHigh Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH6.0)

E-IR-R221-10mL Elabscience Biotech 10mL 325 EUR

Super PlusTMHigh Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH6.0)

E-IR-R221-3mL Elabscience Biotech 3mL 125 EUR

Super PlusTMHigh Sensitive and Rapid Immunohistochemical Kit (pH6.0)

E-IR-R221-each Elabscience Biotech each Ask for price


AR-6547-01 ImmunoBioscience 15 ml 47.75 EUR


AR-6547-02 ImmunoBioscience 100 ml 95.55 EUR


AR-6503-01 ImmunoBioscience 30 ml 60.05 EUR


AR-6503-02 ImmunoBioscience 100 ml 111.65 EUR


AR-6503-03 ImmunoBioscience 250 ml 203.35 EUR


AR-6503-05 ImmunoBioscience 1000 ml 556.5 EUR

Magenta Gal

30350001-1 Bio-WORLD 100 mg 32.39 EUR

Magenta Gal

30350001-2 Bio-WORLD 500 mg 103.23 EUR

Magenta GlcA

21530038-1 Bio-WORLD 100 mg Ask for price

Magenta GlcA

21530038-2 Bio-WORLD 500 mg Ask for price

Magenta Gluc

21530059-1 Bio-WORLD 1 g 559.73 EUR

Magenta Gluc

21530059-2 Bio-WORLD 500 mg 382.98 EUR


M715241 Bio Basic 500mg 242.7 EUR

Magenta Caprylate

21530084-1 Bio-WORLD 1 g 374.27 EUR


HY-137869 MedChemExpress Get quote Ask for price
Description: Magenta-β-D-GlcA is a biochemical reagent that can be used as a biological material or organic compound for life science related research.

Onerack 16mm tubes Magenta

STA5114 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 19.58 EUR

Onerack 20mm tubes Magenta

STA5122 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 16.4 EUR

Onerack 25mm tubes Magenta

STA5130 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 20.74 EUR

Onerack 30mm tubes Magenta

STA5138 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 18.95 EUR

Magenta B-Cap Jar Lid

30930005-1 Bio-WORLD 1000 Unit(s) 650.78 EUR

Magenta B-Cap Jar Lid

30930005-2 Bio-WORLD 100 Unit(s) 87.89 EUR

Onerack 13mm tubes Magenta - EACH

STA5006 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 37.8 EUR

Onerack 16mm tubes Magenta - EACH

STA5014 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 39.56 EUR

Onerack 20mm tubes Magenta - EACH

STA5022 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 42.8 EUR

Onerack 25mm tubes Magenta - EACH

STA5030 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 41.18 EUR

Onerack 30mm tubes Magenta - EACH

STA5038 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 35.64 EUR

Magenta 2-Way Test Tube Cap

30930012-1 Bio-WORLD 100 Unit(s) 58.27 EUR

Magenta 2-Way Test Tube Cap

30930012-2 Bio-WORLD 500 Unit(s) 157.01 EUR

Magenta 2-Way Test Tube Cap

30930012-3 Bio-WORLD 1000 Unit(s) 255.77 EUR

Magenta-GlcA (Magenta-GLUC-Bromo-chloro-indolyl-acirc-D-glucuronic-acid-cyclohexyl-ammonium-salt)

MB0603 Bio Basic 1g 631.6 EUR

Magenta Plant Culture 7-Way Tray

30930011-1 Bio-WORLD 50 Unit(s) 291.32 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate VI (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS633971-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate VI (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS633971-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate IV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS633811-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate IV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS633811-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate I (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659232-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate I (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659232-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate II (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659330-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate II (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659330-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate V (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659411-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate V (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659411-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

HIV protease substrate VII (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658486-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV protease substrate VII (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658486-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate III (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658871-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate III (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658871-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

HIV protease substrate VIII (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659226-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV protease substrate VIII (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS659226-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

Flip & Grip Pipette Holder Magenta - EACH

PIP0003 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 183.6 EUR

One rack PP 13mm x 72 magenta - EACH

STA5212 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 35.51 EUR

One rack PP 16mm x 72 magenta - EACH

STA5232 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 31.46 EUR

Magenta GA-7 Plant Culture Box w/ Lid

30930007-1 Bio-WORLD 25 Unit(s) 96.78 EUR

Magenta GA-7 Plant Culture Box w/ Lid

30930007-2 Bio-WORLD 100 Unit(s) 295.27 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658454-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 335 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658454-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 820 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658454-5x5mg MyBiosource 5x5mg 3530 EUR

Magenta GA-7 and GA-7-3 Vessel Lids

30930008-1 Bio-WORLD 100 Unit(s) 139.44 EUR

Magenta GA-7 Plant Culture Box w/o Lid

30930006-1 Bio-WORLD 100 Unit(s) 239.77 EUR

Magenta GA-7-3 Plant Culture Box w/ Lid

30930010-1 Bio-WORLD 25 Unit(s) 90.37 EUR

Magenta GA-7-3 Plant Culture Box w/ Lid

30930010-2 Bio-WORLD 100 Unit(s) 271.11 EUR

Anti-CD5 Reference Antibody (Magenta anti-CD5)

E24CHA025 EnoGene 100 μg 225 EUR
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

Globalmark ribbon - Process Magenta 105 mm AF Systems Consumables

076761 BRADY NV Box of 1 Print ribbon 189.16 EUR
Description: Description Dutch: 105 mm process magenta printlint; Description French: Ruban process magenta 105 mm

HIV-1, Protease substrate V, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659027-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 335 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate V, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659027-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 820 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate V, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659027-5x5mg MyBiosource 5x5mg 3530 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate VI, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659158-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 335 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate VI, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659158-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 820 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate VI, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659158-5x5mg MyBiosource 5x5mg 3530 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate IV, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659785-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 335 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate IV, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659785-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 820 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate IV, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS659785-5x5mg MyBiosource 5x5mg 3530 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate III, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS633727-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 335 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate III, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS633727-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 820 EUR

HIV-1, Protease substrate III, Anthranilyl (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1)

MBS633727-5x5mg MyBiosource 5x5mg 3530 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate III-B (native sequence) (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658350-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 610 EUR

HIV Protease Substrate III-B (native sequence) (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

MBS658350-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2600 EUR

Magenta GA-7-3 Plant Culture Box w/o Lid

30930009-1 Bio-WORLD 100 Unit(s) 227.73 EUR

AP Fluorescent Substrate System

GR103053 Genorise Scientific Each 83 EUR

Human Ras Related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

IHURAC1KTC Innovative research each 545 EUR
Description: Human Ras Related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

Rat Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Substrate 3 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

IRTFRS3KTC Innovative research each 545 EUR
Description: Rat Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Substrate 3 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

Globalmark ribbon - Magenta Ribbon 105mm AF Systems Consumables

076749 BRADY NV Box of 1 Print ribbon 189.16 EUR
Description: Description Dutch: 105 mm magenta printlint; Description French: Ruban magenta 105 mm

Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Substrate 2 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

IMSFRS2KTC Innovative research each 545 EUR
Description: Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Substrate 2 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

TSKS (Testis Specific Kinase Substrate, Testis-specific Serine Kinase Substrate, TSSKS, STK22 Substrate 1, Stk22s1, TSKS1) (AP)

MBS6403177-01mL MyBiosource 0.1mL 895 EUR

TSKS (Testis Specific Kinase Substrate, Testis-specific Serine Kinase Substrate, TSSKS, STK22 Substrate 1, Stk22s1, TSKS1) (AP)

MBS6403177-5x01mL MyBiosource 5x0.1mL 3875 EUR

TSKS (Testis-specific Serine Kinase Substrate, TSSKS, Testis-specific Kinase Substrate, TSKS1, STK22 Substrate 1, STK22S1) (AP)

MBS6134350-01mL MyBiosource 0.1(mL 875 EUR

TSKS (Testis-specific Serine Kinase Substrate, TSSKS, Testis-specific Kinase Substrate, TSKS1, STK22 Substrate 1, STK22S1) (AP)

MBS6134350-5x01mL MyBiosource 5x0.1mL 3800 EUR


134500 BRADY NV Pack of 1 Cartridge 97.34 EUR
Description: Description Dutch: BSP41-cartridge magenta/zwart; Description French: Cartouche magenta/noire BSP41

AKT1S1 (PRAS40, Proline-rich AKT1 substrate 1, 40kD proline-rich AKT substrate) (AP)

MBS6120776-02mL MyBiosource 0.2(mL 980 EUR

AKT1S1 (PRAS40, Proline-rich AKT1 substrate 1, 40kD proline-rich AKT substrate) (AP)

MBS6120776-5x02mL MyBiosource 5x0.2mL 4250 EUR

pNPP 1-Component AP Microwell Substrate

6279 Immunochemistry 100 mL 48 EUR

pNPP 1-Component AP Microwell Substrate

MBS258075-100mL MyBiosource 100mL 160 EUR

pNPP 1-Component AP Microwell Substrate

MBS258075-5x100mL MyBiosource 5x100mL 555 EUR

Handimark ribbon - Magenta Ribbon 50mm x 23m AF Systems Consumables

042016 BRADY NV Box of 1 Print ribbon 50.17 EUR
Description: Description Dutch: 50 mm magenta printlint; Description French: Ruban magenta 50 mm

TMB Substrate (2-Component) for ELISA (TMB Substrate A + TMB Substrate B)

MBS355923-110mL MyBiosource 110mL 270 EUR

TMB Substrate (2-Component) for ELISA (TMB Substrate A + TMB Substrate B)

MBS355923-5x110mL MyBiosource 5x110mL 775 EUR

IRS-1 (Insulin Receptor Substrate 1) (AP)

MBS6241923-01mL MyBiosource 0.1(mL 1100 EUR

We analyzed the dendritic morphogenesis in these types of functional RGC marked, J-RGC, showing different mechanisms operating in different dimensions to produce a scaffold of dendritic and synaptic pattern for detection feature. Our work describes the cellular and molecular mechanisms that form the dendritic arbors and synaptic distribution, enabling connectivity J-RGC and thus, functions.