Hsv 1 And 2 Pcr Analyzer

Microtube and PCR Plate Cooler

BCM1834 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 288.61 EUR

Hsv Pcr Laboratories manufactures the hsv 1 and 2 pcr analyzer reagents distributed by Genprice. The Hsv 1 And 2 Pcr Analyzer reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact HSV PCR. Other Hsv products are available in stock. Specificity: Hsv Category: 1 Group: And 2

Plum Pox Virus PCR Primer Set and Controls for qRT-PCR

Norgen Biotek Corp 100 Reactions 285 EUR

Gel and PCR Extraction System (100 preps)

Bio Basic 100preps 180.06 EUR

Gel and PCR Extraction System (200 Preps)

Bio Basic 200preps, 200prep 263.58 EUR

HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 54.58 EUR
Description: HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 406.05 EUR
Description: HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 109.02 EUR
Description: HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

Quick PCR Purification and Gel Extraction Kit

MyBiosource INQUIRE Ask for price

And 2 information

Dry-type Fluorescent Immunoassay Analyzer

AFR-600 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

Automatic Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer

ACIR-100 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

Automatic Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer

ACIR-200 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

Up-converting Phosphor immunoassay analyzer

abx095263-1Machine Abbexa 1 Machine 7326 EUR

16-Channel Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer

AFR-800 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

HIDGI IF-20 Fluorescence Analyzer Scanner

HG0054 EnoGene 1Unit 1260 EUR
Description: Contents:(1)1 Scanner (2)1 Power Pack(Power, adapters, Built-in lithium battery)(3)1 Instruction manual

ComfyChem TM Semi-auto Chemistry Analyzer

HC-108 Avans Biotechnology Corp each 3400 EUR

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL) assay kit (Microplate Reader and Biochemical Analyzer)

MBS2540572-5x96Test MyBiosource 5x96Test 1145 EUR

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL) assay kit (Microplate Reader and Biochemical Analyzer)

MBS2540572-5x96Tests MyBiosource 5x96Tests 1145 EUR

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL) assay kit (Microplate Reader and Biochemical Analyzer)

MBS2540572-96Test MyBiosource 96Test 250 EUR

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL) assay kit (Microplate Reader and Biochemical Analyzer)

MBS2540572-96Tests MyBiosource 96Tests 250 EUR

ROX-Labeled 60-600 bp Internal Lane Standard for ABI Genetic Analyzer

53210 Norgen Biotek Corp 1 Unit 135 EUR

Redi Check Photometer Check Set for Stat Fax 1904+, Chem Well’s and other chemistry analyzers

RC Awareness Technology 1 unit 133 EUR

Calibration Verification Controls (BG, Electrolyte, Metabolite Analyzers)

CVC123 RNA Medical each 565 EUR

HSV-1&2 TaqMan PCR Kit

TM31750 Norgen Biotek Corp 100 Reactions 479.4 EUR

HSV-2 TaqMan PCR Kit

TM32450 Norgen Biotek Corp 100 Reactions 419.4 EUR

HSV 1-2 Typing Real-TM Real Time PCR test for detection and typing of HSV

V38-100FRT Sacace Biotechnologies 100 627.84 EUR