Cytoskeleton Actin And Tubulin

Actin & Tubulin

MBS474148-1Kit MyBiosource 1Kit 585 EUR

Cytoskeleton Inc Laboratories manufactures the cytoskeleton actin and tubulin reagents distributed by Genprice. The Cytoskeleton Actin And Tubulin reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Cytoskeleton Inc. Other Cytoskeleton products are available in stock. Specificity: Cytoskeleton Category: Actin Group: And Tubulin

Actin, beta (ACTB and Beta Actin) (AP)

MyBiosource 0.1(mL 860 EUR

Actin, beta (ACTB and Beta Actin) (AP)

MyBiosource 5x0.1mL 3720 EUR

Actin, beta (ACTB and Beta Actin) (APC)

MyBiosource 0.1mL 860 EUR

Actin, beta (ACTB and Beta Actin) (APC)

MyBiosource 5x0.1mL 3720 EUR

CODE RED Evacuation chair 2 rear wheels (inc bracket and cover) - EACH

Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 1482.02 EUR

SmartBlock plates Thermoblock for MTP and Deepwell plates inc Lid for ThermoMixer and Thermo tat instruments - EACH

Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 942.97 EUR

Actin, beta (ACTB and Beta Actin) (MaxLight 405)

MyBiosource 0.1(mL 860 EUR

And Tubulin information

TBCB, NT (TBCB, CG22, CKAP1, Tubulin-folding cofactor B, Cytoskeleton-associated protein 1, Cytoskeleton-associated protein CKAPI, Tubulin-specific chaperone B) (MaxLight 750)

MBS6354005-01mL MyBiosource 0.1mL 980 EUR

TBCB, NT (TBCB, CG22, CKAP1, Tubulin-folding cofactor B, Cytoskeleton-associated protein 1, Cytoskeleton-associated protein CKAPI, Tubulin-specific chaperone B) (MaxLight 750)

MBS6354005-5x01mL MyBiosource 5x0.1mL 4250 EUR

TBCB, NT (TBCB, CG22, CKAP1, Tubulin-folding cofactor B, Cytoskeleton-associated protein 1, Cytoskeleton-associated protein CKAPI, Tubulin-specific chaperone B) (Azide free) (HRP)

MBS6354000-02mL MyBiosource 0.2mL 980 EUR

TBCB, NT (TBCB, CG22, CKAP1, Tubulin-folding cofactor B, Cytoskeleton-associated protein 1, Cytoskeleton-associated protein CKAPI, Tubulin-specific chaperone B) (Azide free) (HRP)

MBS6354000-5x02mL MyBiosource 5x0.2mL 4250 EUR

Human Actin Cytoskeleton Signaling Primer Library

HACS-I Real Time Primers 1 set 657.6 EUR

Acetylated Tubulin

CS-TAC01 Cytoskeleton 1 X 500 µg 390 EUR

Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>97% pure porcine brain tubulin)

BK004P Cytoskeleton KIT 24 assays 711.36 EUR

Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>99% pure porcine brain tubulin)

BK006P Cytoskeleton KIT 24 assays 1012.96 EUR

Tubulin Polymerization Assay (fluoresc-96assays porcine brain tubulin)

BK011P Cytoskeleton KIT 96 assays 1036.88 EUR

General Tubulin Buffer

BST01-001 Cytoskeleton 1 x 10 ml 80.08 EUR

General Tubulin Buffer

BST01-010 Cytoskeleton 1 x 100 ml 177.84 EUR

Tubulin Glycerol Buffer

BST05-001 Cytoskeleton 1 x 10 ml 80.08 EUR

Caki-1 tumor tubulin

CS-TM001 Cytoskeleton 1 x 250 µg Ask for price

Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)

T238P-A Cytoskeleton 1 x 1 mg 187.2 EUR

Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)

T238P-B Cytoskeleton 5 x 1 mg 706.16 EUR

Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)

T238P-C Cytoskeleton 20 x 1 mg 2080 EUR

Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)

T240-A Cytoskeleton 1 x 1 mg 138.32 EUR